Sunday 22 May 2016

Nail Scissors

Nail scissors are a puzzle to can trim the nails on your right hand, not a problem but then because the blades are upside down when it comes to the left hand they really do not work very well at all. I suppose I could purchase some left handed scissors to solve this dilemma but really that seems such a bother.

Tuesday 17 May 2016


They have replaced the lamposts on my street with older looking more ornate ones, Though ironically these  replacements, despite their vintage apperance are brighter and more efficient in their purpose. Not so strange when you think it through. Or is it?.

Thursday 12 May 2016


You dont see many shirts that require cufflinks anymore. How the times have changed.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Jigsaw Puzzle Worry

Bought a five hundred piece second hand jigsaw puzzle of a paper mill in Wisconsin at the local carboot sale for 50 pence a few weeks ago and it was only when I got round to starting it that it occurred to me that being second hand there might be some pieces missing. Often thoughtful people, once they have had the full enjoyment found from completing the puzzle themselves and with an eye to passing said puzzle on for others to enjoy as much as they themselves had at some point, can either donate it to a charity shop or, as is the case here, by selling it cheaply at a carboot or jumble sale, will be inclined by said thoughtfulness to put all the puzzle pieces into a suitably sized see through bag (possibly a sandwich bag or a freezer bag, something of that ilk) that they will then secure with an elastic band and then place that  into its box thereby keeping all the pieces together safely. Sometimes they will put a small sticker on the front of the box on which they have written "Complete" to reassure the purchaser that their jigsaw experience will not be marred by the frustration of missing piece or pieces. My jigsaw had none of these reassurances but I decided to go ahead with it anyway because I had already found all the edge pieces and put them in place before this worrying thought of missing pieces had occurred to me and I considered that I should continue with my endeavour whilst putting my worry to one side. Fortunately my concerns turned out to be unfounded and all the pieces were present and accounted for and the puzzle was satisfactorily completed without any problem. Whew.

Defective Pencil Sharperner

I noticed the blade on my pencil sharpener was loose enough to severely impact on its purpose of sharpening pencils. I found the appropriate small screwdriver and tighten the screw that held the blade in place thereby averting the problem at source. Though I consider that maybe three or four years down the line I may well have to repeat this procedure if the problem reoccurs then. We shall see.

Friday 10 October 2014

Key fobs

Key fobs are not as prevalent as they used to be.

Old Fellow

There's an old fellow lives down the road to me, I've seen him for years but he has never acknowledged me until the other day, apropos of nothing I could notice,  when he said a gruff hello accompanied by a nod, which I reciprocated in kind...though in the two times I've passed him sine then he has gone back to ignoring me. Hey ho.

Thursday 11 September 2014

The Waltons

Thinking about it yesterday I realised I much prefer The Waltons to Little House On The fact I don't think I liked Little House On The Prarie at all.

Birthday Cake Candles

A woman stopped me in the street to ask me where she might get some birthday cake candles. In the past Woolworths would have been the obvious suggestion but with that now gone I was at a loss as to where to direct her.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Flip Flops

Never really taken to wearing flip flops though I know people that swear by them.

Monday 1 September 2014

Missed The Bus

Just missed the bus on the way home tonight. Fortunately another bus turned up a few minutes later so I did not have a long wait. On top of that because the bus I had failed to catch had to stop at subsequent stops to pick up passengers while the bus I was on didn't have to we ended up overtaking the first bus towards the end of my journey and in consequence I arrived at my destination thirty seconds or so earlier that if I had actually caught the first bus.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Drain Cover

There's a drain cover come slightly up on the pavement down the road. It has only raised half an inch but is still a potentual trip hazard. I will be mindful of this when walking that way.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Forgotten Yogurt

Found a raspberry twin pot yogurt at the back of my shelf in the fridge. It was hidden behind other stuff and I'd quite forgotten about it so it came as a nice surprise.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Remembered Sandwich

One of the girls that live here was making a packed lunch for tomorrow consisting of a tuna sandwich, a banana and a pot of instant porridge (just add hot water).When she had completed her preperations she put the pot and banana in a plastic bag to take up to her room and the sandwich into the fridge. When I enquired why she hadn't put the sandwich into the bag and then the whole packed lunch into the fridge ready for tomorrow she answered by saying that if she did that then she might forget to take it but with the plastic bag in her room as a reminder of the sandwich in the fridge then she wouldn't forget. Clever stuff I thought.

Wednesday 27 August 2014


I occassionally purchase a couple of cheese rolls and an iced finger from the bakers down the high road but even with this purchase of multiple items they do not give you a carrier bag to contain them conviently but expect you to purchase one for 5p. I wouldn't mind except the carrier bags on offer are not worth 5p being thin blue plastic affairs of little substance. So I always try to be mindful about taking my own carrier bag with me and this I find this course of action takes care of my carrying needs in this otherwise slightly inconvient situation to my satifaction. .